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Nightriders The Kidnappings Part 27



    “Lady and gents, we have reached our destination!” announced Sabertooth with a sinister chuckle. “Get the lizard lady first!” ordered Sabertooth.

    “Control yourself, Slade,” Selena whispered in Slade’s ear before a wasp’s prickly insect hands yanked her out of the cell. The wasp escorted her outside to the deck of the ship. She stared in wonder at the amazing sight before her eyes. She found herself in a large ancient stone port with buildings appearing to have been carved straight from the surrounding stone terrain. What was most striking about this port was the manner it was completely surrounded by stone cliffs on every side with a large body of water lying between the cliffs where the ships entered and docked. The only point of entry for ships appeared to be a small gap between the cliffs with two enormous vertical metallic doors protruding from the water. Chains and Cables were attached from the sides of the doors to large gears jutting from the sides of the cliff. Selena also thought she could make out the small distant figures of pirates patrolling the cliffs as lookouts. What appeared to be large cylinder cannons were defensively situated completely along the cliff walls near the front half of the bay. The port was indeed busy with several wooden ships as well as a steel freighter floating near the water’s edge. However, the most wondrous sight of all was found on top of the large rocky bluff in the distance where an enormous stone castle towered over the rest of the island. The castle had the appearance of belonging to the medieval era, complete with towers and a drawbridge.

    “I welcome you to Sabertooth Island!” Sabertooth cheerfully announced to the smirks of observing pirates. “Formally known as ‘Crossbone Island!’” The pirates erupted into malicious laughter as Sabertooth smiled in amusement of his own joke.

    “This place is amazing!” Selena heard Slade say as the pirates escorted both him and Mac from behind.

    “If we were here under better circumstances I’d say we should stop for a snapshot.” mused Mac. The pirates led Selena and her friends through what appeared to be the marketplace of a city full of pirates. The buildings were worn stone structures, appearing to have been made from the same stone of the castle in the distance. On the busy village dirt roads, piles of shiny treasure were transported in wagons and wheel barrels. In the streets pirates appeared to be bartering for one another’s spoils and wares.

    “Get yer steel hook!” shouted a pirate merchant from a wooden stand. “There be no better replacement for yer hand than a steel hook to inflict fear into your enemies, sex I!” Selena saw the local orthodontist fitting a pirate with his new eye patch while lying flat on a reclining seat.

    “Need a place to store all that good treasure you just stole? Then do yourself a favor and buy a Davy’s Jones locker!” sang a canine pirate with red bandana, showing off small steel safes.

    “Is this supposed to be the pirates’ mall or something?” Slade asked from behind.

    “It would seem,” answered Selena.


    By the time they made their way to the castle, their feet were extremely sore. Still, the building proved to be just as enchanting as it was from the valley below. The castle was old and worn in some places with stone long having crumbled away from some of the architecture. Long vines grew alongside some of the walls. Mold appeared to cover the north side as well, giving a greenish appearance to the otherwise gray stones. Above the drawbridge was a large reptilian skull, resembling that of a Komodo dragon or some other species of lizard. The water, however, reeked of being stagnant serving as a most unpleasant welcome to those choosing to enter. Every once in a while, a bubble would break free from the murky water from some unknown source. Once they had finished walking across the drawbridge they entered through the large brown castle doors. Inside Selena could see barbarian dressed pirate warriors stationed throughout the stone fortress. The interior was unlike anything Selena had ever seen. Gone was the ruggedness from outdoors with tapestries and gems of all kinds adorning the castle walls. A blood red carpet stretched through the center of the hallway leading to two large black doors decorated with skulls, swords, and beastly creatures. As they were led through the black doors, they found themselves in a large dark throne room lite by hundreds of torches along the walls. The red carpet made its way up several stairs toward a large a large gothic looking chair. Above the chair was the familiar symbol in the form of a carved skull of a komodo dragon with two crossbones behind it. Below it was a large black wooden throne, decorated with a similar skull and cross bone design on the back rest. Two pirates dressed in chainmail armor approached Sabertooth throwing a flowing red mantle over his back. One of the pirates then handed him a black staffed scepter with an identical Komodo dragon skull.

    “On your knees!” sternly ordered one of the pirates. Selena and Mac knelt on the floor with Slade reluctantly following their example.

    “You may rise!” announced Sabertooth. “And take those harnesses off their necks!” Selena could feel Sabertooth smiling smugly at her as she tried to ignore him. He casually took a seat on the large throne chair, resting his right leg over the right arm, leaning against to the left side. He rested his head on his knuckles.

    “Well, welcome to my humble abode!” announced Sabertooth cheerfully, extending an arm. “I’d like to apologize for the less than ideal treatment you’ve had to endure on your voyage. Normally we reserve the hospitality for prisoners of high status like yerselves. Sabertooth paused to glower at Captain Hopper, Pog, and Slop who revealed themselves to be standing to the side. Sabertooth released a sigh. “It’s terribly difficult to find good help these days.”

    “If you really want to make us happy, just let us go!” said Selena.

    “I’m afraid that’s not possible, lass,” answered Sabertooth as he stood up from his chair to approach her. She cringed as he then proceeded to softly stroke the side of her long brown hair with his furry jaguar hand. “But I can promise you a nice dinner after I introduce you to a friend of mine who’s been dying to meet with you.”

    “Listen!” interjected Slade. “I know it’s me you want! Selena has nothing to offer you. Just let her go and do whatever you want with me!”

    Mac turned his head and shushed Slade, giving him a frown of disproval of the offer.

    “Typical boyfriend!” chuckled Sabertooth. “The truth is, Axl, Selena and Mac were just as much of a priority for us as your capture was.”


    “I can vouch for that!” answered a deep sinister voice. The surrounding torches flickered as black robed figure emerged out of the darkness of an arched doorway.

    Selena gasped as she instantly identified, through Axl’s descriptions, who this was.

    SCORNFIOUS! She glanced over at Mac to see if his expression revealed any sign of recognition, but he gave the appearance of being confused and intimidated.

    “Ah, there you are my Lord!” greeted Sabertooth, instantly kneeling on the floor. Scornfious appeared unresponsive as he observed the prisoners.

    Eventually, Scornfious’s eyes locked onto Selena giving her an icy gaze which immediately made her begin to feel extremely uneasy. It was those dark cold rodent eyes that were impossible to read, yet reeking of sinister intent which made her wish he would cast his gaze elsewhere. As she found herself beginning to gaze hypnotically back, she could have sworn his pupils began to subtly glow a devilishly red hue. Feeling an overwhelming sense of fear beginning to overtake her, Selena, felt the need to look away. Don’t show fear, Selena, she consolingly thought to herself. Don’t bring attention to yourself!

    Once she had regained enough confidence to look back in the direction of Scornfious, she was relieved to see he had already turned to face Sabertooth, who was still kneeling.

     “Where is Axl?”

       Selena could tell from Sabertooth’s change in demeanor that Scornfious was someone he both feared and revered. All of the “self-proclaimed, pirate king’s” earlier antics of “playing the leader” had immediately ceased, reminding her of a bully from school, caught in the act by a teacher. The fact that such a fierce man as Sabertooth would cower in the mysterious rat’s presence was enough to warrant the fears of Selena pertaining to what greater evil resided underneath the dark robe. Sabertooth nervously motioned toward Hopper, without uttering another word.

    “He’s over here, my lord!” piped Hopper, with a nervous grin as he pointed toward Slade. “We’re responsible for his capture as well as his girlfriend!”

    Scornfious rolled his eyes and snorted. “Well, then. I’m sure you’re expecting a big reward for your part in this.”

    “Uh… yeah, a reward would be nice,” answered Hopper, uneasily.

    “Yeah.” “Snort! Snort! Very nice!” snorted Slop still appearing confident in the perceived “legitimacy” of their prize.

    “And your expectations would be justified,” answered Scornfious.  IF THIS WAS THE REAL AXL!”

    Hopper’s rabbit ears immediately drooped over the side of his head, as he began to quiver in fear. “Mm, my, Lord?”

    “This is not Axl,” snarled Scornfious, lifting Hopper by the collar. Sweat now began to run down the face of hopper as his body began to shake.

     “Are you sure about this?” interjected Sabertooth. “He was found with Selena, after all, and bears his resemblance. Scornfious angrily roared, tossing Hopper in the air. Bolts of electricity then shot from his fingers, engulfing Slade.

    Slade cried in pain, as his body levitated into the air.

    “Slade!” cried Selena in horror as she helplessly watched Scornfious continue to inflict electrical torture, over the young swamp lizard’s body. “Please, stop!” she begged, gazing plea fully into the eyes of the rat. Scornfius continued to shock him for ten seconds before releasing him to the ground. After glowering at her, he swiveled.

    “There’s no one I know better than Axeldon, my nemesis! I can smell his filthy scaly carcass a mile away!”

    “Axl’s comin’ for you!” jeered Slade as lied wounded on the ground. “And when he gets here, it will be to see to your demise!” Scornfious thrust Slade across the room one last time sending him crashing into the stone castle wall.

    “He surely will but it will be HIS DEMISE not MINE!” growled Scornfious.

    “Don’t harm him!” pled Selena. “He’s just a kid that was at the wrong place at the wrong time!”

    “How unfortunate!” scoffed Scornfious.

    “What are we going to do, my Lord?” asked Sabertooth.

    “We will wait for him to come to us!” answered Scornfious glaring at Selena. “At least the capture of her along with “the traitor” made the operation not a total loss.”

    “My Lord, are you sure that’s wise?” asked Sabertooth nervously.

    “Why wouldn’t it be? Is it because you failed to take out Komodo and his followers even with my help?!”

    “Komodo is dead and his pirates scattered!” countered Sabertooth.

    “Oh, are they?” again scoffed Scornfious. “Then how do you explain this?” An orb appeared above the right hand of Scornfious showing Komodo squinting through a telescope with hordes of reptilian pirates in the background moving busily throughout the ship.”

    “It… Can’t… Be!” said Sabertooth dumbfounded.

    “Evidently, it can!” answered Scornfious. “But no matter. We still have the high ground. Komodo is still outmanned.”

    “Axl!” shouted Selena pointing at the orb. It had now revealed Axl gazing over the stern of the ship of the same ship.

    “There you are, Axeldon,” said Scornfious in a low voice. Selena observed that his voice now sounded tired and cracked as though the spell was making him weary. Scornfious began to growl while gritting his teeth as his grip on the orb tightened.


     With a loud cry, Scornfious crushed the orb in his hand that still displayed Axl. “Gahhh!” Scornfious began to pant relentlessly as though he had just run a marathon. “Axeldon will be out matched,” cried Scornfious, in between pants.

    “I’ll increase the numbers of ships, patrolling the island,” assured Sabertooth. “If Komodo is so bold as to attempt to regain the island, we will not be caught off guard.”

    “You do just that,” scoffed Scornfious, before coughing. He then released a weary sigh as he assumed a meditative position kneeling on the floor.

    “I was hoping I wouldn’t need to resort to these long range spells. The are quite draining on the soul. Nevertheless, since you have all proven to be most incompetent, I will take matters into my own hands. Leave me be, as I unleash a nightmare that even Axeldon has yet to fathom.”

     Sabertooth nodded his head, appearing intrigued by what his master had planned. “I will personally escort Miss Drex to her room. But what should become of the boy?” Scornfious shrugged. “Put him to work in the mines with the other reptiles!”

    Selena watched as two guards began to drag wounded Slade helplessly on the floor. She felt Sabertooth’s large claws rest on her shoulders as he began forcibly leading her out of the throne room.

    Mac could be heard raging as the guards began to escort him in the opposite direction. “You won’t get anything from capturing me!” snarled Mac. “The Falsetto’s are screwed! Do you hear me!? Screwed! The Sharps are gonna take you down!”

    Selena made sure to give Scornfious a scornful frown, as the Jaguar’s strength demanded her to walk in the direction of the exit. The rat appeared to almost be in a meditative state, drooping his head at the floor with his hood hanging over his face, leading her to believe that he did not even notice.

    She was nearly out of the room, when the voice of Scornfious confirmed how wrong she was. “I look forward to getting better acquainted, Selene.” Sabertooth briefly ceased pushing her, allowing Selena to turn around. Selena knew she was scared. As a matter of fact, she felt more terrified than she had at any other time in her life. Even so, she was determined to not leave the rat with the privilege of being the only one spouting threats. She gulped as she struggled to hold her head up high, forcing herself to look directly into the rat’s ghastly eyes. Quivering with a mixture of fear and rage, she formed with words what she chose to believe in her heart.

    “And I look forward to watching Axl, beat you to a pulp, once he knows you were behind my kidnapping!”

    Scornfious raised his eyebrows, and half smiled, as if amused by her show of valor. She felt Sabertooth resume shoving her forcibly through the exit,

    As they exited the room, she heard Scornfious call out last thing to her. “Rest well, Miss Drex.”

Illustrations by Bluepisces97

  Thanks for reading!

Axl draw plz by AxlReigns 

Nightriders: The Kidnappings Part 28

The Kidnappings Part 28 by AxlReigns 

Nightriders: The Kidnappings Part 1

Nightriders The Kidnappings Part 1 by AxlReigns

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TEK427's avatar
About time someone was smart enough to see Slade's not actually Axl. XD I feel like there's a racist undertone to the Sabertooth pirates -- that all lizards look alike. Or, they're just not that smart. Yeah, I think it's that. :P